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Understanding Tokenomics
: An Overview of Bitkub Coin (KUB)

Tokenomics is essential for comprehending the Bitkub Coin (KUB)and its various applications, as well as how tokens are managed within the Bitkub Chain network. To draw a comparison, Ether serves as the network coin for the Ethereum network.
Bitkub Coin (KUB) Explained
KUB, short for Bitkub Coin, is the utility token of the Bitkub Chain, a blockchain developed in Thailand with the goal of enabling widespread KUB usage throughout the Bitkub ecosystem. The token assumes different roles within the network.

Four Primary Functions of KUB on the Bitkub Chain

Gas Fee
It functions as a unit of measurement for the amount of work accomplished by a Validator such as validating and confirming transactions, generating blocks, and securing transactions on Bitkub Chain network. Users shall be required to pay the Gas Fee by use of KUB of which the amount of Gas Fee required to be paid dependent on the complexity and size of transaction generated on Bitkub Chain. The Gas Fee shall be used in these processes:
  • The Gas Fee for transaction fee on blockchain network such as asset transfer, storage, and others
  • The Gas Fee for utilizing smart contracts or Decentralized Applications on the blockchain network.
Fee Credit
Since KUB can be traded in digital asset exchange operated by BO, such fact causes KUB to have different features from other Native Token of other blockchain. The holder of KUB can exchange KUB to Fee Credit of digital asset exchange operated by BO which shall be announced and informed via BO’s website.
Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Staking
The holder of KUB can stake their KUB to be entitled as the Validator or the Delegator on Bitkub Chain’s Proof-of-Stake consensus.
Redemption of goods or services provided by BBT partners
KUB holders can obtain special goods or services by using the KUB from BBT partners. Such utilities, however, are for the purpose of marketing campaigns only. There is no intention to use KUB as payment for goods or services.

Tokenomics Overview: Bitkub Coin Economics

Coin Name: Bitkub Coin
Abbreviation and Counting Unit Name : KUB
The Current Total Amount of Coins = 110,000,000 KUB
The Total Amount of Coins Presently in Circulation in the System ~78,000,000 KUB
Means of Distribution of KUBRatio to Total KUBAmount of KUB (coin)Period of Distribution of KUB
Ecosystem Fund13.64%15,000,000Unlock at Bitkub Chain V1.0 launch (not fully unlocked)
Community Development Fund13.64%15,000,000Release Quarterly for 2 years (first release in September 2021)
BCGH's Reserve Fund9.09%10,000,0003 years locking period then unlock yearly for 3 years (first release in September 2024)
Liquidity Provision Fund46%50,605,103Completed
Strategic Partners Fund8.54%9,394,897Unlock at Bitkub Chain V1.0 launch (not fully unlocked)
Initial Airdrop Fund9.09%10,000,000Completed
Total KUB Supply100%110,000,000

Ecosystem Fund

This fund is managed by BBT and used for a variety of purposes, including project development on Bitkub Chain, support of Validator, support of Gas Fee, and other infrastructure development that will assist the Bitkub Chain ecosystem to grow steadily in the long term. On August 9, 2021, 285,000,000 KUB (from the total amount of 300,000,000 KUB as specified in Bitkub Chain Whitepaper V1.0) were burnt to 15,000,000 KUB.

Community Development Fund

This fund is managed by BBT for the purpose of establishing a user network and promoting the usage of the Bitkub Chain through community education, with the goal of creating a stronger ecosystem. On August 9, 2021, 225,000,000 KUB (from the total amount of 240,000,000 KUB as specified in Bitkub Chain Whitepaper V1.0), were burnt to 15,000,000 KUB.

BCGH's Reserve Fund

This fund is held and managed by BCGH to be used as a reserve fund for emergency event or it whatsoever are determined to be appropriate by the board of directors of BCGH. On August 9, 2021, 290,000,000 KUB (from the total amount of 300,000,000 KUB as specified in Bitkub Chain Whitepaper V1.0) were burnt to 10,000,000 KUB.

Liquidity Provision Fund

This fund is managed by BBT to support liquidity of KUB on the first trading day in the digital asset exchange operated by BO. On August 9, 2021, 49,394,897 KUB initially locked were burnt but the remaining 50,605,103 KUB that were purchased, are still circulating in digital asset market.

Strategic Partners Fund

This fund is managed by BBT with the purpose of making relationships with business partners to participate in Bitkub Chain. On August 9, 2021, 40,605,103 KUB (from the total amount of 50,000,000 KUB as specified in Bitkub Chain Whitepaper V1.0) were burnt to 9,394,897 KUB.

Initial Airdrop Fund

This fund was managed by BO to use as the fund for KUB distribution for BO customer who had minimum collective purchase volume that met the criteria and time as set out by BO. This fund was completely dispersed at the beginning of KUB launching period.

BCGH's Reserve Fund
Liquidity Provision Fund
Ecosystem Fund
Initial Airdrop Fund
Strategic Partners Fund
Community Development Fund